People that are fully happy with their life, have reached a level of content and are simply beautiful do not take the time to to demean other people’s appearances. Why would they? What would be the point of a very pretty woman that owned her beauty take the time to stop and point out the next woman’s flaws?  It doesn’t happen. Fulfilled people spend their time and energy enjoying life. So,  I would say that the main way to protect your self esteem is to realize that your attackers are damaged themselves. 

Your aggressor is concealing their insecurities by focusing on what they consider to be yours.  As Christina Aguilera once sang about men that called her derogatory names,  “You must talk so big, to make up for smaller things.”  I completely believe that women attack other women’s looks because they view that woman as a threat. They hurl insults to break the other woman,  to make the other woman cave in and hide.  

Now,  that we have figured out their mindsets – how do we address it?  You have to remember that your “flaw” is mostly likely something they want you to feel bad about and hide.  For me,  I would be attacked for my wide hips and full lips.  The way to counter it,  is to simply WERK IT.  It’s you and it isn’t going to change or go anywhere.  For me,  that meant red and plum lipstick.  That was topped off with stretch pants to work those hips. They will die on the insides at  your strength. 

Once, you’ve determined what you’re going to accent – it’s time to work on your mental.  True beauty comes from what type of person you are. At the end of the day, your heart and soul are what matters.  Focus on being a great person and you will attract good people. You can be as fine as you want and repel people by being an ugly human being. 

Ted Talk Thursday ~ Belated Happy Birthday WWW!

In Da Campo

As usual I’m a little behind the times.  Who knew that the World Wide Web’s birthday was celebrated March 11th?  I’m so disappointed I missed the day and didn’t get a chance to send birthday greetings.

The radio station from Panama that we listen to plays BBC News every hour.  On Wednesday evenings around 6:00 pm it plays a BBC News program called “Click” .  The program they played today was about the 25th anniversary of the World Wide Web.  If you’d like to listen to it you can find it here it’s a little over a half hour-long but very interesting.  Even the poetry part, but don’t let that scare you.

Although many people had a hand in the creation of the web, an Englishman named Tim Berners-Lee is credited with being the inventor.  I found this little Ted Talk by Ian Ritchie about…

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Do you know what today is?

Before this night ends, let me be one of the many to say HAPPY 25TH BIRTHDAY WORLD WIDE WEB! I’ll be the first to admit that I originally didn’t know what today was. I was out of the loop when it comes to this day even being acknowledged. It’s a shame,  because that “WWW” does and has always meant so much to me.I remember being about 11 or so and I wanted a desktop computer for Christmas. Back then, they were expensive and I now understand why my parents warned that I would not be getting anything else for my Christmas.  It ended up being one of the best investments that my family ever made.

At first,  I was enticed by America Online. The chatrooms, the mailing lists, the message boards, the people.  I was shocked by our first phone bill but I eventually learned the ropes. The internet was my toy and it was all that I did.   I met some life long friends through it, at 12 I was typing well over 100 words per minute without any mistakes,  I was offered my first job at 13 by the guy that came over to fix our computer.

Through it all,  the WWW was a large part of my childhood and it helped to form the skillset that now provides my dreams. With that,  I give one of the most sincere HAPPY BIRTHDAY!<3

Does the color of Lebron James Mask really matter?

Throughout the circus that is that foolishness surrounding the color of Lebron James mask, it made me think about my past…

Over 15 years ago, I wore various colored band aids atop my right shoulder. I tried my best to match each one with the color of my tank top.  People would ask me,  “Do you have one to match every outfit that you have?” Others stated, “You aren’t making a fashion statement, you know.” Some days later, I stopped wearing them.   It wasn’t a result of what anyone had said but it was because I no longer needed to wear them. I had reached a point in which the leakage from an injury on my shoulder had ceased.

Unknown to others,  I would forever have a jagged scars on my shoulder which were left behind from a 4 inch deep cut on my shoulder.  It was at least that deep.  The cut surely met the white meat. The scar is still visible until this day as it will be until I die. You see, my matching band aids were there to defer people away from conversations about my accident. It was a way to have fun throughout a matter that had struck my self esteem.

This is a short blog, yet a real reminder that we never know a person’s story or the reasons they do things unless we ask them. Think first then speak.


“I’ve been hurt so much.” If you’ve found yourself feeling this way, please know that you aren’t alone. Life isn’t fair and it leaves a lot of us troubled and upset.  In addition,  lots of people have written about it.  Please see this as a more specific take on forgiving and forgetting as you should, as a Christian. 

To get a complete grasp on the importance of forgiveness,  we must first fully understand exactly what it does to us when we aren’t able to forgive.  The number one thing that it does is that it leaves us with bitter hearts.  We seep with anger in which we may not even realize that we have allowed apart of ourselves to change. We’ve not only allowed someone to break our hearts,  but we’ve let them keep the pieces. 

We’ve heard the expression, “The person you won’t forgive is sleeping at night.”  We also know that it really doesn’t help to know that.  In some cases it even makes you more irritated.  When you carry this weight around here is what it can cause: ulcers,  anger, wrinkled face, bitterness,  unhappiness, inability to have children to name a few problems that you can face.  To add insult to injury, some of us even get mad at a person for creating the “situation” of us having to seek out remedies.  Isn’t life hard enough without people adding things on top of that?

As a Christian,  it is so very conflicting to our faith, what we believe in,  who we are – to carry bitterness and frustrations. So,  how do we move past the hurt?  I’ve personally reached out to multiple religious leaders and was ignored by each one of them about this topic.  That’s all good.  I prayed on it and wished that the lord would show me the way.  Many,  many months passed before I was invited to a seminar,  at a church about forgiveness.  

Now that I have made some type of headway, I’m going to share with you. I’m not going to pretend to be an expert and I will be basically repeating what I’ve been blessed to receive.

It seems so obvious to  know that :

  1. If you are of the lord and filled with him,  you must be as he is. We all know that the lord is forgiving.  Jesus died for our sins. Our foul, foul sins. If we are representing Jesus, we must forgive others as he has forgiven us. It isn’t about your feelings, it’s about your vow to serve. If you are saved,  you’ve made a promise to the lord.
  2. Realize that we have all sinned. Just as you are sitting hurt because of someone’s remarks or actions,  you have inflicted this same pain to someone else.  That’s just how life is.  We are imperfect. We screw up then we MUST resolve it and move on.
  3. Let your pride and ego go. You’re going to change your heart, who you are because of your pride?  You’re worried about someone saying “You let them get away with that?  You’re a dormat. You’re stupid.”  None of that is worth burning in HELL for. Forgive.
  4. We may have moments when the people you will not forgive, needs you. There is something that churns in you and will not allow you to aid them. What if Jesus cut you loose over a mistake or flaw?  We’re so quick to call someone we’re mad at sick or mean. Just cut it out. It’s so much easier to love and forgive than to be orchestrating the work it takes to cut someone loose.

I love you.  Please find the peace that you seek.  I’m on this journey with you.




The answer to this question is subjective.  But wait, this is my blog so I feel obligated to give you my opinion.

My top three favorite books have been :

  • Afternoon of the Elves by Janet Taylor
  • The Nightstalker by Philip Carlo
  • The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory

I bet it’s hard for you to fully target my reading style, isn’t it? One is a childhood classic that toys with your imagination, one is a violently true crime novel that created a notable plague of ear and the last is a historical fiction novel that channels power, competition and romance.  I’m not here to intrigue you,  not in this blog at least – so I will tell you exactly what my favorite reading style is. I love thrillers, history and mystery.  That love has even generated my own personal novella, “Jaded”.  

Are you getting where I am heading?  A good book is one that is able to cross genres.  The best books are able to grasp readers that are cemented in another and not only break into their market but remain there.  

I will share with you how each book was able to capture me:

  1. As I’ve aged since reading Afternoon of the Elves as a kid, I often times forget the name of the book.  I always search for it using the terms ” the book about the little girl with elves in her backyard.” You see, the world that the author created,  made me want to be part of that world. I’ve often times re-read the book to see if the questions I had about the characters would be answered once I was older with a better understanding.  I was alarmed to find that my perspective of the situation in the book changed completely and yes some answers were although I will probably always wonder “Were the Elves Real?”.  I ultimately loved this classic because it made me think, search for the author to see if she released any hints about the outcome and I enjoy revisiting it.
  2. The Nightstalker had me checking my windows although this serial killer was serving a life sentence. The author was very detailed and descriptive. I was able to see and feel everything.  The magic in this tragedy was the author’s ability to make you feel like you were actually at the scenes although you certainly didn’t want to be.
  3. Last but not least, The Other Boleyn made history fun to learn.  I was able to see that the Queens and Kings suffer from jealousy,  power struggles and insecurity just like we all do.  Even though we may never know the exact paths of our past,  it’s much appreciated when someone takes the time to do enough research that they are able to show us what most likely went on.

Now,  tell me what are your favorite book.

Richard Ramirez Dead!

As quiet as it is kept, he passed last year due to natural causes. He had been awaiting his execution for going on 25 years.

I wonder what became of his wife. She pledged to take her own life once he passed.

Plus, his flings with other women are coming to light

A “Jaded” Sample

A Preview of “Jaded” A Criminal Mystery Novella

I spent so much time caring for and nursing this woman that I didn’t even realize that nearly 2 hours and 30 minutes had passed. I hadn’t even bothered to attempt to speak to her. I was too busy cleaning her up and getting her bandaged. I also had her to eat. After we both ate, we were both rejuvenated and I would soon feel like God allowed that for a reason. No sooner than I placed my glass down, we heard car doors closing.
I would recognize Snoopy’s voice anywhere. I couldn’t make out what exactly was being said, but I recognized the tail end of the white town car from before. Our golfer asshole had returned from his golf game and gathered Snoopy along the way. It didn’t sound like the man was just giving Snoopy a ride either. They knew each other well.
What I was able to conclude was if that guy ignored us earlier, he clearly wanted the young woman to die. If Snoopy was beating her nearly to death, it was clearly his job to kill her. Now, here both of those men were not even a few steps away from her.”
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Audrey, a beautiful young woman,  lives on the outskirts of the mountains of Tennesse with her mother in very modest conditions.  Audrey quickly realizes that losing her father, his resources and his words of wisdom even – has caused her to lose herself. A questionable man is very eager to take advantage of Audrey by leading her down a dangerous and strange path that could cost her to lose even more things, things that she didn’t realize that she had.


Is Affordable Health Care Not Affordable?

When these stories about critically ill people finally receiving health insurance are published, it IS enduring. At the end of the day, everyone is just trying to be well off rather it be physically, emotionally or financially. If you aren’t working to succeed in one area, you’re working towards the other area.  That’s the situation for each and everyone one of us. In these tough economic times,  it’s hard for us to understand why we ALL aren’t excited about others reaching their goals. When someone is finally able to finance a major operation or can now afford preventative care, why isn’t everyone happy?  Well, it isn’t that we aren’t happy for them.
The reality is that in order for someone to receive free or low cost health insurance, the next person has to pay a little bit more. “It’s only like $10.00 taken out of their check!” is what some may say. In some cases,  that is true. We aren’t going to bicker over $10.00 being emergency gas money or a kid’s lunch money because that can be viewed as trivial. We’re going to address the real issue which is employers having to pay higher premiums. The reality is that not all businesses  can afford to pay an additional thousands per month in premiums.  We were just in a recession, remember?
Now, this is where the unhappiness kicks in. People’s hours are being cut so that they don’t quality for insurance, insurance plans are being dropped and some are outright laid off to address these premium increases. “Get another job!” is what some may say. We aren’t going to bicker over how easy it is to find employment or how desirable you are when you have been laid off because although the humor is needed, this isn’t the topic to play games with.  Lets look at the people who are diabetic, making $17,000 per year or people that have no saving.
A diabetic making $17,000 per year most likely can’t afford to even go a month without healthcare or a job. The following could put them into a serious medical situation:
  •  Affordable Health Care website has glitches
  • Affordable Health Care toll free number directs to the website(see above
  • Live Chat Representatives have prematurely ended chats or lacked knowledge
This is an example that isn’t far fetched.
Now, Is Affordable Health Care Not Affordable?  It depends on who you ask. The cost isn’t always financial. It’s not that people aren’t happy but anyone pouts when they are thrown off a ride and they have to wait their turn. I don’t doubt the sincerity of the act, but it wasn’t rolled out properly.